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Reasons why thousands of travelers prefer this app:
THESSALONIKI by GREEKGUIDE.COM is completely free of charge and all the information barring weather, currency conversion and navigation is accessible offline. The ability to use the app without the need for internet access is particularly useful for visitors from abroad who wont incur roaming charges.
Get the ultimate free guide for Thessaloniki and experience your ideal holiday like a local! Our specialist travel editors have uncovered the ins and outs of Thessaloniki to bring you an in depth view of the city. They continuously enrich the content and ensure its validity.
Handy design, search filters and integrated maps with points of interest and routing capability help the user to locate information quickly and easily. Use our maps to find your way effortlessly and discover nearby points of interest.
Join organized trips and excursions and get suggestions for short trips and 1, 2 and 3 day tours as well as tailored trip advice for singles, couples, families and seniors.
Find all the useful information you need like: Weather, Transportation, Currency, Electricity, Official holidays, Tourist Police, Petrol, Time zone, Public organizations in case of emergency, Rent a car, Embassies and many moreÖ
Download THESSALONIKI by GREEKGUIDE.COM to enjoy your ideal holiday!